
All Nations Order of Service


10:10 Morning Prayer 

10:30 Sunday School

11:30 Worship


9:00 am *Prayer Line

7:30 pm *Prayer line bible study


11:00 am *Prayer line

*Call 1-605-468-8020; code 333884#


Prayer ministry: Prayer warriors meet on line every Wednesday morning at 9 and every Friday morning at 11. Everyone is invited to join via the prayer line. Prayer warriors also meet onsite on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11 a.m., when feasible. This ministry is portable to homes and congregate settings. God is doing miraculous things through this ministry.

Christian Women’s Council: Women meet monthly with women of other churches. Godly women of age use Godly principles to teach and mentor younger women.

Saturday Outreach ministry: Residential neighbors offered continental breakfast with devotional service; free ice cream socials for children; periodic food and clothing give-away; participation in Rally program (helping men become all that men should be).

Children and Youth Church: First and third Sunday segment covers contemporary and historical topics with both civic and religious contexts.

Order of Service

  • Opening

  • Congregational Hymn

  • Invocation

  • Scripture

  • Statement of Faith

  • Recognition of Visitors

  • Praise & Worship/Testimony

  • Tithes & Offering

  • Sermon

  • Closing Prayer

Seven Elements of Praise

  1. Towdah: The sacrifice of praise ( All the physical signs)

  2. Yadah: Lifting hands to the Lord in submission and devotion

  3. Zamar: Playing any instrument that glorifies the Lord

  4. Halal: To rave and boast of the wonders of the Lord (with excitement and dance)

  5. Tahillah: Combination of singing clapping and rejoicing the Lord

  6. Barak: To bow

  7. Shabach: To shout ALL